The Core Facility Imaging (CFI) of the Martin Luther University offers a wide range of imaging technologies for quantitative analysis of various samples in the life sciences sector.
For academic and non-academic users we provide access to high-resolution and high-throughput (live cell) microscopy, infrared scanning, FACS analysis, as well as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and NGS data analysis. The CFI was set up with funding from the BMBF and expanded with the help of state, federal and EU funding.
The Core Facility Imaging is a registered research infrastructure of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and is accessible under the information portal RIsources, as well as part of the German BioImaging network.
Assumption of costs for the use of light microscopy in equipment centers by the DFG
More and more German universities and research institutions have established equipment centers to enable their scientists to use the cost-intensive infrastructure economically and to provide the best possible scientific support for demanding projects. The DFG is also taking this development into account and, in March 2012, therefore extended the guidelines for applying for costs to include highly developed light microscopy. According to this, costs for light microscopy usage can now also be estimated as part of all DFG funding applications.