Ein Mensch nimmt ein Buch aus einem Bücherregal, ist es eine Hand zu sehen



  1. Förster L., Scholle L., Mayer T., Schneider I., Stoltenburg-Didinger G., Delank K.S., Kraya T., Hahn A., Strube D., Kölsch A.K., Nägel S., Barba L., Volk A.E., Otto M., Mensch A. (2025). Serum chitotriosidase-1 (CHIT1) as candidate biomarker for mitochondriopathies. J. Neurol., 272(2), 180.
  2. Arbab D., Wollweber J., Lichte P., Gutteck N., Akoto R., Bouillon B. (2025). Treatment of ankle osteoarthritis: Analysis of a German nationwide survey. Unfallchirurgie (Heidelb.), online ahead of print.
  1. Arbab D., Lichte P., Gutteck N., Boullion B., Arbab D. (2024). Reliability and validation of the German Achilles tendon Total Rupture Score. Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc., 32, 45-460.
  2. Arbab D., Boullion B., Schilde S., Gutteck N., Lichte P., Ulrich E. (2024). Talonavicular arthrodesis. Oper. Orthop. Traumatol., [Online ahead of print].
  3. Arvaneh S., Haghighat S., Schwesig R., Gernhardt C.R. (2024). Evaluation of Gutta-Percha-Filled Areas in Curved and Straight Root Canals Using Three Reciprocating Single-File Systems Followed by Matching Single-Cone Obturation. Appl. Sci., 14, 8661.
  4. Beschauner J., Felsberg M., Werneburg F., Delank K.S. Gutteck N. (2024). Stoßwellentherapie am Fuß- und Sprunggelenk. Orthopädie & Rheuma, 27, 27-30.
  5. Bode T., Zoroofchi S., Vettorazzi E., Droste J.N., Welsch G.H., Schwesig R., Marshall P. (2024). Functional analysis of postural spinal and pelvic parameters using static and dynamic spinometry. Heliyon, 10, e29239.
  6. Dalos D., Marshall R.P., Lissy M., Maas K.J., Henes F.O., Kaul M.G., Kleinertz H., Frings J., Krause M., Frosch K.H., Welsch G.H. (2024). Influence of leg axis alignment on MRI T2*mapping of the knee in young professional soccer players. BMC Musculoskelet. Disord., 25, 144.
  7. Frank V.J., Lichte P., Gutteck N., Bouillon B., Arbab D. (2024). Comparison of the European Foot and Ankle Score (EFAS) and the Self-Reported Foot and Ankle Score (SEFAS) in patients with foot and ankle surgery. Arch. Orthop. Trauma Surg. 4929-4935.
  8. Hermassi S., Konukman F., Al-Marri S.S., Hayes L.D., Bartels T., Schwesig R. (2024). Associations between Biological Maturation, Physical Performance, Postural Control, and Mathematical Achievement in Youth Soccer Players. PLoS One, 19, e0298301.
  9. Hermassi S., Ketelhut S., Konukman F., Ayari M.A., Al-Marri S., Al Rawahi N., Bouhafs E.G., Nigg C.R., Schwesig R. (2024). Differences in Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, Health-Related Physical Performance Indices and Academic Achievement: A Comparative Study of Normal-Weight and Obese Children in Qatar. J. Clin. Med., 13, 1057.
  10. Hermassi S., Ketelhut S., Konukman F., Sellami M., Al-Marri S., Nigg C., Schwesig R. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Physical Activity, Performance-Related Health, and Academic Achievements in 11-to-13-Year-Old Schoolchildren in Qatar. Healthcare, 12, 588.
  11. Kandels J., Denk V., Weinkouff Pedersen M., Kragholm K.H., Sogaard P., Tayal B., Marshall R.P., Denecke T., Lindgren F.L., Hagendorff A., Stöbe S. (2024). Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular volumes: a comparison of different methods in athletes. Clin. Res. Cardiol. [Online ahead of print].
  12. Kandels J., Stöbe S., Marshall R.P., Hagendorff A., Metze M. (2024). The Effect of Upright Posture on Left Atrial Strain in Competitive Athletes. J. Cardiovasc. Dev. Dis., 11, 284.
  13. Keller M., Niederer D.,Schwesig R., Kurz E. (2024). Lower extremity movement quality in professional team sport athletes: Interrater reliability and relationships with quantitative results from the corresponding pattern. BMC Sports Sci. Med. Rehabil., 16, 98.
  14. Kurz E., Keller M., Schoch W., Stein T., Hirschmüller A., Niederer D. (2024). Feasibility, reliability, and validity of the Modified forward hop test after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: Double- instead of single-legged landing is reliable and results in greater hopping distance. Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil., 105, 710-716.
  15. Kurz E., Schenk P., Brakopp F., Diers M., Klingel O., Bone S., Meisel H.J., Delank K.S., Ullrich B.W. (2024). Muscle activity and rehabilitation in spinal stenosis (MARSS) after conservative therapy and surgical decompression with or without fusion: Protocol for a partially randomized patient preference trial on rehabilitation timing. Contemp Clin Trials Commun., 38, 101273.
  16. Kurz E., Haas H.J. (2024). Hat die Beweglichkeit ausgedient? Sportphysio, 12, 157.
  17. Lichte P., Weber C., Otto M., Bläsius F., Gutteck N., Hildebrand F., Arbab D. (2024). Current diagnostics and treatment of ankle sprains in German. Knee Surg. Unfallchirurgie (Heidelb.), 127, 449-456.
  18. Marshall P., Schulze S., Droste J.N., Riepenhof H., Delank K.S., Kurz E., Schwesig R. (2024). Is the endurance standardized ACWRHMLD or the underlying acute and chronic components related to injuries? Appl. Sci., 14, 9427.
  19. Niethammer T.R., Aurich M., Brucker P.U., Faber S., Diemer F., Pietschmann M.F., Schoch W., Zinser W., Müller P.E. (2024). Follow-up Treatment after Cartilage Therapy of the Knee Joint - a Recommendation of the DGOU Clinical Tissue Regeneration Working Group. Z. Orthop. Unfall., 162, [Online ahead of print].
  20. Reinhardt L., Schwesig R., Schulze S., Donath L., Kurz E. (2024). Accuracy of unilateral and bilateral gait assessment using a mobile gait analysis system at different walking speeds. Gait Posture, 109 , 291-297.
  21. Schulze S., Laudner K.G., Delank K.S., Bartels T., Marshall R.P., Schwesig R. (2024). Position-specific reference data for an ice hockey-specific complex test – an update and practical recommendations. Appl. Sci., 14, 7648.
  22. Wolf U., Drewas L., Ghadir H., Bauer C., Becherer L., Delank K.S., Neff R. (2024). Individual Pharmacotherapy Management (IPM-II) for Patient and Drug Safety in Polypharmacy via Clinical Electronic Health Record Is Associated with Significant Fall Prevention. pharmaceuticals, 17, 1587.
  23. Werneburg F., Delank K.S. (2024). Harmlose Hohlräume? - Gefahr von Knochenzysten nicht unterschätzen. Orthopädie & Rheuma, 27, 36-43.
  1. Allegui H., Turki O., Oranchuk D.J., Khmiri A., Schwesig R., Chelly M.S. (2023). The effect of combined isometric and plyometric versus contrast strength training on physical performance in male junior handball players. Applied Sciences, 13, 9069.
  2. Alneama A., Hermassi S., Hayes L.D., Bartels T., Konukman F., Fieseler G., Schwesig R., Chelly M.S. (2023). Differences in physical performance attributes, muscle volume, maximal strength and muscle power of team-handball players by playing position. Applied Sciences, 13, 12644.
  3. Aurich M., Lehmann L.J., Farkhondeh-Fal M., Kircher J. (2023). The shoulder and elbow register of the DVSE-trend monitoring or early warning system?: A literature-based analysis. Orthopädie (Heidelb.), 52, 472-478.
  4. Baghdadi J., Alkhateeb S., Roth A., Jäger M. (2023). Cup positioning and its effect on polyethylene wear of vitamin E-and non-vitamin E-supplemented liners in total hip arthroplasty: radiographic outcome at 5-year follow-up. Arch. Orthop. Trauma Surg., 143, 1679-1688.
  5. Bartels T., Laube W., Pröger S., Brehme K., Schwesig R., Delank K.S., Kurz E. (2023). Does the Surgical Technique Applied Influence Muscle Activation after ACL Reconstruction? Ann. Case Rep., 8, 1324.
  6. Fieseler G., Laudner K., Cornelius J., Schulze S., Delank K.S., Schwesig R. (2023). Longitudinal Analysis of the ASES and Constant–Murley Scores, and the Internal Rotation/Shift and Jobe Tests Following Arthroscopic Repair of Supraspinatus Lesions. J. Pers. Med., 13, 1304.
  7. Foqha B.M., Schwesig R., Ltifi M.A., Bartels T., Hermassi S., Aouadi R. (2023). A 10-weeks FIFA 11+ Program Improves Short Sprint and the Modified Agility T-Test Performance in Elite seven-a-side Soccer Players. Front. Physiol., 14, 1236223.
  8. Gottschalk O., Körner D., Aurich M., Plaass C., Günther D., Hörterer H., ... & Walther M. (2023). Descriptive analysis and short-term follow-up clinical results of osteochondral lesions of the distal tibia based on data of the German Cartilage Register (Knorpelregister® DGOU). Arch. Orthop. Trauma Surg., 143, 809-815.
  9. Gutteck N., Delank K.S., Schilde S. (2023). Comparative results of arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis vs. open arthrodesis in patients with diabetes-associated Charcot Neuro-Arthropathy. Eur. J. Orthop. Surg. Traumatol., 33, 1-8.
  10. Hermassi S., Hayes L. D., Bartels T., Schwesig R. (2023). Differences in body composition,static balance, field test performance, and academic achievement in 10–12-year-old soccer players. Front. Physiol, 14, 1150484.
  11. Hermassi S., Konukman F., Hayes L.D., Schwesig R. (2023). Physical Education and Gender Differences in Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior related to Academic Success of Science-Related Courses for children in the State of Qatar. Applied Sciences, 13, 10771.
  12. Kandels J., Metze M., Hagendorff A., Marshall R.P., Hepp P., Laufs U., Stöbe S. (2023). The impact of upright posture on left ventricular deformation in athletes. Int. J. Cardiovasc. Imaging, 39, 1123-1131.
  13. Kandels J., Stöbe S., Kogel A., Hepp P., Riepenhof H., Droste J.N., Szoeggl T., Marshall R.P., Rudolph U., Laufs U., Fikenzer S., Hagendorff A.  (2023). Effect of maximum exercise on left ventricular deformation and its correlation with cardiopulmonary exercise capacity in competitive athletes. Echo Res. Pract., 10, 17.
  14. Keller M., Franz M., Morschel D., Kurz E. (2023). Return to Activity Algorithmus: Bindeglied zwischen der Frühphasenreha und fussball-spezifischen Belastungen nach Verletzungen an der unteren Extremität. Sportärztezeitung, 9, 50-54.
  15. Keller M., Lenich A., Saier T., Kurz E. (2023). Return to throwing sports after upper extremity injury and overuse. A criteria-based approach using an ulnar collateral ligament injury as an example. Orthopädie (Heidlb), 52, 404-412.
  16. Kurz E., Bloch H., Buchholz I. Maier D., Praetorius A., Seyler S., Standtke S., Achenbach L. (2023). Assessment of return to play after an acute shoulder injury: protocol for an explorative prospective observational German multicentre study. BMJ Open, 13, e067073.
  17. Kurz E., Schwesig R., Pröger S., Delank K.S., Bartels T. (2023). Differenzierte Analyse des neuronalen Antriebs nach Kniebandverletzungen - Möglichkeiten elektromyographiebasierter Ergänzungsbeurteilungen. Knie J., 5, 40-47.
  18. Marchand F., Laudner K., Delank K.S., Schwesig R., Steinmetz A. (2023). Effects of sensorimotor training on transversus abdominis activation in chronic low back pain patients. J. Pers. Med., 13, 817.
  19. Mehlhorn I., Wohlrab D., Delank K.S., Radetzki F. (2023). Risk Analysis of Restrictive Factors for Fast-Track Knee Arthroplasty-A Retrospective Study of 1,224 Patients. Surg. Technol. Int., 42, sti42/1695. [Online ahead of print].
  20. Müller J.A., Delank K.S., Laudner K., Wittenberg I., Zeh A., Vordermark D., Medenwald D. (2023). Clinical characteristics of sarcoma patients: a population-based data analysis from a German clinical cancer registry. J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol., 149, 17051-17069.
  21. Niemeyer P., Albrecht D., Aurich M., Becher C., Behrens P., Bichmann P., ... & Angele P. (2023). Empfehlungen der AG Klinische Geweberegeneration zur Behandlung von Knorpelschäden am Kniegelenk. Z. Orthop. Unfall, 161, 57-64.
  22. Radetzki F., Massarwa H., Wienke A., Delank K.S., Zagrodnick J. (2023). Treatment management and outcome of polytraumatized patients in a German certified trauma center - comparing standard versus maximum care. Acta Orthop. Belg., 89, 7-14.
  23. Rüger A., Laudner K., Delank K.S., Schwesig R., Steinmetz A. (2023). Effects of different forms of sensorimotor training on postural control and functional status in patients with chronic low back pain. J. Pers. Med., 13, 634.
  24. Schilde S., Delank K.S., Gutteck N. (2023). Degenerative Vorfußerkrankungen–Metatarsalgie und Kleinzehendeformitäten. Phys. Med. Rehab. Kuror., 33, 166-186.
  25. Schilde S., Arbab D., Felsberg M., Kielstein H., Delank K.S., Gutteck N. (2023). Open vs. minimally invasive resection of the first metatarsocuneiform joint: an anatomical study. Foot Ankle Int., 44, 1287-1294.
  26. Seiwerth I., Plößl S., Herzog M., Schilde S., Radetzki F., Krämer S., Rahne T., Plontke S.K. (2023). Individual computer-assisted 3D planning for placement of auricular prosthesis anchors in combination with an implantable transcutaneous bone conduction hearing device in patients with aural atresia. HNO, 71, 365-374.
  27. Steinmetz A., Hacke F., Delank K.S. (2023). Pressure Pain Thresholds and Central Sensitization in Relation to Psychosocial Predictors of Chronicity in Low Back Pain. Diagnostics, 13, 786.
  1. Aloui G., Hermassi S., Bartels T., Hayes L.D., El Ghali B., Chelly S., Schwesig R. (2022). Combined plyometric and short sprints training in U-15 male soccer players: effects on measures of jump, speed, change of direction, repeated sprint, and balance. Front. Physiol., 13, 757663.
  2. Arbab D., Boullion B., Lüring C., Gutteck N., Lipphaus A., Lichte P. (2022). Treatment of Achilles insertional calcific tendinosis using a longitudinal midline incision approach/central tendon splitting approach. Oper Orthop. Traumatol., 34, 405-418.
  3. Aurich M., Lenz M., Hofmann G.O., Schubert W. Knobe M., Roth K.E., Simons P., Klos K. (2022). Anatomical Study of Sinus Tarsi-Based Lateral Lengthening Calcaneal Osteotomy. Foot Ankle Int., 43, 101-104.
  4. Dietz J., Zeidler A., Wienke A., Zeh A., Delank KS, Wohlrab D. (2022). Periprothetischer Infekt nach Hüftprothesenimplantation : Risikofaktoren für die Entwicklung einer Frühinfektion nach Primärimplantation [Periprosthetic infection after total hip replacement: Risk factors for an early infection after primary implantation]. Orthopadie (Heidelb)., 51, 969-975.
  5. Drewas L., Ghadir H., Neef R., Delank KS., Wolf U. (2022). Individual Pharmacotherapy Management (IPM) - I: a group-matched retrospective controlled clinical study on prevention of complicating delirium in the elderly trauma patients and identification of associated factors. BMC Geriatrics, 22, 29.
  6. Fieseler G., Schwesig R., Sendler J., Cornelius J., Schulze S., Lehmann W., Hermassi S., Delank K.S., Laudner K. (2022). Comparison of the Internal Rotation and Shift Test with the Jobe Test for Detection of Supraspinatus Lesions. J. Pers. Med., 12, 1422.
  7. Fieseler G., Laudner K.; Sendler J., Cornelius J., Schulze S.; Lehmann W., Hermassi S., Delank K.S., Schwesig R. (2022). The Internal Rotation and Shift-Test for the Detection of Superior Lesions of the Rotator Cuff: Reliability and Clinical Performance. JSES Int., 6, 495-499.
  8. Grim C., Baumgart C., Schlarmann M., Hotfiel T., Javanmardi S., Hoffmann N., Kurz E., Freiwald J., Engelhardt M., Hoppe M.W. (2022). Effects of Different Orthoses on Neuromuscular Activity of Superficial and Deep Shoulder Muscles during Activities of Daily Living and Physiothera-peutic Exercises in Healthy Participants. J. Pers. Med., 12, 2068.
  9. Gutteck N., Ulbricht M., Delank K.S., Kielstein H., Schilde S. (2022). Minimally invasive hallux valgus correction with Internal Hallux Fixator® - A comparative cadaver study. Foot Ankl. Surg., 28, 378-383.
  10. Hanke A., Schoch W., Keller M., Kurz E., Richter R. (2022). Function-based tests to determine the return-to-activity state in patients with non-specific low back pain. Sportverl Sportschaden, 36, 80-91.
  11. Hermassi S., Bartels T., Hayes L.D., Schwesig R. (2022). Fitness, fatness, and academic attainment in male schoolchildren from a soccer academy. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19, 3106.
  12. Hermassi S., Hayes L.D., Sanal-Hayes N., Schwesig R. (2022). Differences in health-related physical fitness and academic school performance in male middle school students in Qatar: A Preliminary Study. Front. Psychol., 13, 791337.
  13. Keller M., Diemer F., Kurz E. (2022). Judging movement quality in patients who sustained a knee ligament injury: a systematic review. Sportverletz Sportschaden, 36, 38-48.
  14. Kurz E., Brehme K., Bartels T., Pyschik M., Jenz M., Kadler W., Delank K.S., Schwesig R. (2022). Standing Steadiness and Asymmetry after High Tibial Osteotomy Surgery: A 2-year Follow-up Study. J. Pers. Med., 12, 1594.
  15. Kurz E., Schwesig R., Pröger S., Delank K.S., Bartels T. (2022). Foot tapping and unilateral vertical jump performance in athletes after knee surgery: an explorative cross-sectional study. BMC Sports Sci. Med. Rehabil. 14, 34.
  16. Lauenroth A., Schulze S., Reinhardt L., Laudner KG., Delank KS., Schwesig R. (2022). Comparison of Postural Stability and Regulation among male Athletes from Different Sports. Applied Sciences, 12, 5457.
  17. Quack V., Eschweiler J., Prechtel C., Migliorini F., Betsch M., Maffulli N., Gutteck N., Tingart M., Kobbe P., Pishnamaz M., Hildebrand F., Arbab D. (2022). L4/5 accessibility for extreme lateral interbody fusion (XLIF): a radiological study. J. Orthop. Surg. Res., 17, 483.
  18. Schwesig R., Fieseler G., Cornelius J., Sendler J., Schulze S., Hermassi S.; Delank K.S., Laudner K. (2022). A Longitudinal Analysis of the Internal Rotation and Shift (IRO/Shift) Test Following Arthroscopic Repair of Superior Rotator Cuff Lesions. J. Pers. Med., 12, 2018.
  19. Seiwerth I., Brylok A., Schwesig R., Rahne T., Fröhlich L., Lauenroth A., Hullar T.E., Plontke S.K. (2022). Influence of hearing rehabilitation with active middle ear and bone conduction implants on postural control. Front. Neurol., 13, 846999.
  20. Seiwerth I., Fröhlich L., Schilde S., Götze G., Plontke S.K., Rahne T. (2022). Clinical and functional results after implantation of the bonebridge, a semi-implantable, active transcutaneous bone conduction device, in children and adults. Eur. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol., 279, 101-113.
  1. Abraham J., Neef R., Meyer G., Möhler R. (2021). Entwicklung und Machbarkeit einer Intervention zur Vermeidung freiheitsentziehender Maßnahmen im Krankenhaus. Pflege, 1-9.
  2. Aloui G., Hermassi S., Hayes L.D., El Ghali B., Chelly S., Schwesig R. (2021). Loaded Plyometrics and Short Sprints with Change-Of-Direction Training Enhance Jumping, Sprinting, Agility, and Balance Performance of Male Soccer Players. Applied Sciences, 11, 5587.
  3. Aloui G., Hermassi S., Hayes L.D., El Ghali B., Chelly S., Schwesig R. (2021). The effects of loaded plyometrics and short sprints in U19 male soccer players in Tunisia. Applied Sciences, 11, 7621.
  4. Aloui G., Hermassi S., Hayes L.D., Sanal N.E.M., El Ghali B., Chelly S., Schwesig R. (2021). Effects of combined plyometric and short sprints training on athletic performance of male U19 soccer players. Front. Psychol., 12, 714016.
  5. Aloui G., Hermassi S., Hayes L.D., Sanal N.E.M., El Ghali B., Chelly S., Schwesig R. (2021). Effects of Plyometric and Short Sprint with Change-of-Direction Training in Male U17 Soccer Players. Applied Sciences, 11, 4767.
  6. Aloui G., Hermassi S., Hayes LD., Shephard R.J., Chelly M.S., Schwesig R. (2021). Effects of Elastic Band Plyometric Training on Physical Performance of Team Handball Players. Applied Sciences, 11, 1309.
  7. Aloui G., Hermassi S., Khemiri A., Bartels T., Hayes L.D., El Ghali B., Chelly S., Schwesig R. (2021). An 8-Week Program of Plyometrics and Sprints with Changes of Direction Improved Anaerobic Fitness in Young Male Soccer Players. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18, 10446.
  8. Arbab D., Bouillon B., Lüring C., Störmann S., Gutteck N. (2021). Plantarfaszienrelease und Dekompression des ersten kalkanearen Astes des Nervus plantaris lateralis (Baxter-Nerv). Oper Orthop. Traumatol., 33, 517-524.
  9. Aurich M., Hofmann G. O. (2020). Fixation of Displaced Avulsion Fracture of the Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS) after Bone Graft Harvesting Using Anatomic Low-Profile Locking Plate: Case Report and Surgical Technique. Z. Orthop. Unfall., 159, 681-686.
  10. Aurich M., Hofmann G. O., Best N. (2021). Clinical outcome and return to sports activity after surgical treatment for recurrent shoulder instability with a modified Latarjet procedure. Orthop. Traumatol. Surg. Res., 107, 102977.
  11. Aurich M., Lenz M., Hofmann G. O., Schubert W., Knobe M., Roth K. E, Simons P., Klos K. (2021). Anatomical Study of Sinus Tarsi–Based Lateral Lengthening Calcaneal Osteotomy. Foot Ankle Int., 43, 101-104.
  12. Baumgart C., Kurz E., Freiwald J., Hoppe W. (2021). Effects of hip flexion on knee extension and flexion isokinetic angle-specific torques and HQ-ratios. Sports Med. Open, 7, 21.
  13. Best N., Kreher A., Aurich M. (2021). Der Standstereotyp–Mehr als nur posturale Spannung. Phys. Med. Rehab. Kurort., 31, 177-182.
  14. COVIDSurg Collaborative Co-authors (2021). Machine learning risk prediction of mortality for patients undergoing surgery with perioperative SARS-CoV-2: the COVIDSurg mortality score. Br. J. Surg., 183, 1-19.
  15. Fischer C., Dietz J., Delank KS., Zeh A., Wohlrab D. (2021). Retrospective Clinical and Radiological Outcomes of Total Hip Arthroplasty in 51 Patients After a Mean 8.2 Years Using the Nanos® Short-stem Prosthesis. Surg. Technol. Int., 39, 348-353.
  16. Gottschalk O., Baumbach S. F., Altenberger S., Körner D., Aurich M., Plaass C., ... & Walther M. (2021). Influence of the medial malleolus osteotomy on the clinical outcome of M-BMS+ I/III collagen scaffold in medial talar osteochondral lesion (German Cartilage Register/ Knorpelregister DGOU). Cartilage, 13, 1373S-1379S.
  17. Hermassi S., El Ghali B., Bragazzi NL., Ichimura S., Alsharji KE., Hayes L.D., Schwesig R. (2021). Effects of home confinement on intensity of physical activity during the COVID-19 outbreak in team handball according to gender, competition level and playing position: A Worldwide Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18, 4050.
  18. Hermassi S., Hayes L.D., Bragazzi N.L., Schwesig R. (2021). Physical fitness and academic performance in normal weight, overweight and obese schoolchild handball players in Qatar: A pilot study. Front Psychol., 11, 616671.
  19. Hermassi S., Hayes L.D., Salman A., Sanal-Hayes N.E.M., Abassi E., Al-kuwari L., Aldous  N., Musa N., Alyafei A., El Ghali B., Schwesig R. (2021). Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Satisfaction with Life of University Students in Qatar: Changes during Confinement Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Front Psychol., 12, 704562.
  20. Hermassi S., Hayes L.D., Sanal-Hayes N.E.M., Schwesig R. (2021). Effect of Coronavirus-19 Restrictions in Male Handball Players: Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Satisfaction with Life. Applied Sciences, 11, 11373.
  21. Hermassi S., Hayes L.D., Schwesig R. (2021). Can body fat percentage, body mass index, and specific field tests explain throwing ball velocity in team handball players? Applied Sciences, 11, 3492.
  22. Hermassi S., Hayes L.D., Schwesig R. (2021). Differences in health-related physical fitness and academic performance of obese, and non-obese school-age adolescent handball players. Applied Sciences, 11, 4185.
  23. Hermassi S., Sellami M., Salman A., Al-Mohannadi AS., El Ghali B., Hayes L.D., Schwesig R. (2021). Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Physical Activity and Satisfaction with Life in Qatar: A Preliminary Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18, 3093.
  24. Hermassi S., van den Tillaar R., Bragazzi N.L., Schwesig R. (2021). The associations between physical performance and anthropometric characteristics in obese and non-obese schoolchild handball players. Front Physiol., 11, 580991.
  25. Klos K., Lenz M., Hofmann G.O., Schubert W., Knobe M., Roth K. E., ... & Aurich M. (2021). Iatrogenic Damage to Neurovascular and Soft Tissue Structures During Lateral Release of Hallux Valgus: A Comparative Anatomical Study of Minimally Invasive Versus Open Surgical Techniques. J. Foot Ankle Surg., 23, [Online ahead of print].
  26. Kurz E., Schulze S., Panian M., Brill R., Delank KS., Schwesig R. (2021). Responsiveness and relationships of shooting performance to on-ice physical performance tests. Applied Sciences, 11, 10218.
  27. Lauenroth A., Reinhardt L., Schulze S., Laudner K.G., Delank K.S., Schwesig R. (2021). Comparison of postural stability and regulation among female athletes from different sports. Applied Sciences, 11, 3277.
  28. Radetzki F., Zeh A., Delank KS., Wohlrab D. (2021). Correction to: The High Flex Total Knee Arthroplasty-Higher Incidence of Aseptic Loosening and No Benefit in Comparison to Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty: Minimum 16-Years Follow-Up Results. Indian J. Orthop., 56, 367.
  29. Reer M., Rauschenberg S., Hottenrott K., Schwesig R., Heinze V., Huta D., Schwark N., Schlitt A. (2021). Comparison between bicycle ergometric interval and continuous training in patients early after coronary artery bypass grafting: A prospective, randomized study. SAGE Open Med., 9, 20503121211038202.
  30. Riemer M., Schulze S., Wagner L., Richter M., Ayerle G., Simm A., Seeger S., Schwesig R., Tchirikow M., Seliger G. (2021). Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in Women Following Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy - a Prospective, Randomised, Controlled Interventional Study. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd., 81, 966-978.
  31. Schilde S., Delank K.S., Arbab D., Gutteck N. (2021). Minimally invasive vs open akin osteotomy. Foot Ankle Int, 42, 278-286.  
  32. Schulze S., Laudner K.G., Brill R., Delank K.S., Schwesig R. (2021). Reference data by player position for an ice hockey-specific complex  test. Applied Sciences, 11, 280.
  33. Schwesig R., Laudner K.G., Delank K.S., Brill R., Schulze S. (2021). Relationship between ice hockey-specific complex test (IHCT) and match performance. Applied Sciences, 11, 3080.
  34. Zeh A., Gehler V., Gutteck N., Beckmann J., Brill, R., Wohlrab D. (2021). Superior clinical results and higher satisfaction after customized compared with conventional TKA. Acta Orthop Belg, 87, 649-658.
  1. Adler D., Jarvers JS., Tschoeke SK., Siekmann H. (2020). Posttraumatic vertebral disc alterations after B and C type spinal injuries in childhood - clinical and radiological 10-year results for two cases. Unfallchirurg, 123, 302-308. 
  2. Ahrend, M. D., Aurich, M., Becher, C., Ateschrang, A., Schröter, S., Walther, M., ... & Körner, D. (2020). Preexisting and treated concomitant ankle instability does not compromise patient-reported outcomes of solitary osteochondral lesions of the talus treated with matrix-induced bone marrow stimulation in the first postoperative year: data from the German Cartilage Registry (KnorpelRegister DGOU). Knee Surg., Sports Traumatol., Arthrosc., [Online ahead of print].
  3. Arbab D., Lüring C., Mutschler M., Gutteck N., Bouillon B. (2020). Adult acquired flatfoot deformity-operative management for the early stages of flexible deformities. ORTHOPADE, 49, 954-961
  4. Aurich, M., Hofmann, G. O., Best, N. (2020). Reconstruction of the Coracoacromial Ligament during a Modified Latarjet Procedure for the Treatment of Shoulder Instability: Clinical Outcome at Minimum 5 Years Follow-Up. Z. Orthop. Unfall., 160, 27-34
  5. Brehme K., Bartels T., Pyschik M., Jenz M., Delank KS., Laudner KG., Schwesig R. (2020). Postural stability and regulation before and after high tibial osteotomy and rehabilitation. Applied Sciences, 10, 6517.
  6. Busch A., Jäger M., Baghdadi J., Flörkemeier T., Hütter F., Grupp TM., VITAS-Group, Haversath M. (2020). Vitamin E-blended highly cross-linked polyethylene liners in total hip arthroplasty: a randomized, multicenter trial using virtual CAD-based wear analysis at 5-year follow-up. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 140, 1859-1866.
  7. Busch A., Jäger M., VITAS group, Wegner A., Haversath M. (2020). Vitamin E-blended versus conventional polyethylene liners in prostheses:  Prospective, randomized trial with 3-year follow-up. Orthopäde, 49, 1077-1085.
  8. Gergs U., Becker L., Okoniewski R., Weiss M., Delank KS., Neumann J. (2020). Population pharmacokinetics of cefuroxime and uptake into hip and spine bone of patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery. J Pharm Paramacol, 72, 364-370.
  9. Gottschalk, O., Baumbach, S. F., Hörterer, H., Körner, D., Plaaß, C., Becher, C., ... & Walther, M. (2020). Influence of the medial malleolus osteotomy on the clinical outcome of AMIC in medial talar osteochondral lesion-data from the German cartilage registry (Knorpelregister DKOU). Cartilage, 13, 1373S-1379S.
  10. Gutteck N., Schilde S., Delank KS, Arbab D. (2020). Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnostics and conservative treatment of adult flatfoot. Orthopäde, 49, 942-953.
  11. Hermassi S., Hayes LD., Bragazzi NL, Schwesig R. (2020). Physical fitness and academic performance in normal weight, overweight and obese schoolchild handball players in Qatar: A pilot study. Front Psychol., 11, 3946.
  12. Hermassi S., Laudner KG., Schwesig R. (2020). The effects of circuit training on the development of physical fitness and performance-related variables in handball players. J Hum Kinet, 71, 191-203.
  13. Hermassi S., Sellami M., Fieseler G., El Ghali B., Hayes LD., Schwesig R. (2020). Differences in body fat, body mass index, and physical performance of specific field tests in 10- to 12-year-old school-aged team handball players. Applied Sciences, 10, 9022.
  14. Hermassi S., van den Tillaar R., Bragazzi N.L., Schwesig R. (2020). The Associations Between Physical Performance and Anthropometric Characteristics in Obese and Non-obese Schoolchild Handball Players. Front.  Physiol., 11, 580991.
  15. Jarvers JS., et al. ... Siekmann H., Arbeitsgruppe Wirbelsäulentrauma im Kindesalter der Sektion Wirbelsäule der DGOU (2020). Pediatric spine trauma-Results of a German national multicenter study including 367 patients. Unfallchirurg, 123, 280-288.  
  16. Körner, D., Ateschrang, A., Schröter, S., Aurich, M., Becher, C., Walther, M., ... & Ahrend, M. D. (2020). Concomitant ankle instability has a negative impact on the quality of life in patients with osteochondral lesions of the talus: data from the German Cartilage Registry (KnorpelRegister DGOU). Knee Surg., Sports Traumatol., Arthrosc., 28, 3339-3346.
  17. Malletschek A., Tiller D., Wohlrab D. (2020). Psychoeducation in knee arthroplasty patients: Additional pain management. Orthopäde, 49, 26-31.
  18. Meinig H., et al. ... Siekmann H., Arbeitsgruppe Wirbelsäulentrauma im Kindesalter der Sektion Wirbelsäule der DGOU (2020). Diagnostics and treatment of cervical spine trauma in pediatric patients: Recommendations from the Pediatric Spinal Trauma Group. Unfallchirurg, 123, 252-268.  
  19. Osterhoff G. et al. (2020). Recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of odontoid fractures in geriatric patients. Z Orthop Unfall, 158, 647-656.
  20. Radetzki F., Zeh A., Delank KS., Wohlrab D. (2020). The High Flex Total Knee Arthroplasty— Higher Incidence of Aseptic Loosening and No Benefit in Comparison to Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty: Minimum 16-Years Follow-Up Results. Indian J Orthop, 55, 76-80.
  21. Rauschenberg S., Heinze V., Schwesig R., Bethge S., Schlitt A. (2020). Sports Device Assisted Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise Training After Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery. Phys Med Kuor Rehab, 30, 336-343.
  22. Reinhardt L., Schulze S., Schwesig R., Kurz E. (2020). Physical match performance in sub-elite soccer players – introduction of a new index. Int J Sports Med, 41, 858-866.
  23. Reinhardt R., Schulze S., Kurz E., Schwesig R. (2020). Heart rate recovery in small-sided games is strongly related to v4 in soccer players. Sports Med Open, 6, 43. 
  24. Richter M., Rauscher C., Kluttig A., Mallwitz J., Delank KS. (2020). Effect of Additional Pain Neuroscience Education in Interdisciplinary Multimodal Pain Therapy on Current Pain. A Non-Randomized, Controlled Intervention Study. J Pain Res., 13, 2947-2957.
  25. Schilde S., Delank K.S., Arbab D., Gutteck N. (2020). Minimally Invasive vs Open Akin Osteotomy. FOOT & ANKLE INT., 42, 278-286.
  26. Schilde S., Ketelhut L., Kielstein H., Delank KS., Gutteck N. (2020). Anatomical study of Lapidus arthrodesis using two different plantar plate systems. Foot Ankle Surg, 26, 585-590.
  27. Schneider I., Zierz S., Schulze S., Delank KS., Laudner KG., Brill R., Schwesig R. (2020). Characterization of gait and postural regulation in late-onset Pompe disease. Applied Sciences, 10, 7001.
  28. Schulze S., Laudner K.G., Delank K.S., Brill R., Schwesig R. (2020). Reference Data by Player Position for an Ice Hockey-Specific Complex Test. Applied Sciences-Basel, 11, 280.
  29. Schwesig R., Wegener R., Hurschler C., Laudner KG., Seehaus F. (2020). Intra- and interobserver reliability comparison of clinical gait analysis data between two gait laboratories. Applied Sciences, 10, 5068.
  30. Seiwerth I., Jonen J., Rahne T., Lauenroth A., Hullar T., Plontke S., Schwesig R. (2020). Postural Regulation and Stability With Acoustic Input in Normal Hearing Subjects. HNO, 68, 344-351.
  31. Siekmann H., Bowen TS., Huschak M., Radetzki F., Bauer C., Walther J. (2020). Conservative treatment of periprosthetic humeral fractures years after cemented fracture prostheses : A case series. Unfallchirurg, 123, 29-35.
  32. Spiegl UJA., Schnake KJ., Hartmann F., Katscher S., Riehle M., Scheyerer MJ., Schmeiser G., Siekmann H., Osterhoff G. (2020). Traumatic Fractures of the Thoracic Spine. Unfallchirurg, [Epub ahead of print].  
  33. Störmann S., Chraga-Urban A., Lüring C., Bouillon B., Gutteck N., Arbab D. (2020). Comparison of medial distal tibial angle in EOS imaging andweightbearing X-ray. Foot Ankle Surg, 25, S1268-7731(20)30233-2.
  34. Weiß T., et al. ... Siekmann H., Arbeitsgruppe Wirbelsäulentrauma im Kindesalter der Sektion Wirbelsäule der DGOU (2020). Diagnostics and treatment of thoracic and lumbar spine trauma in pediatric patients: Recommendations from the Pediatric Spinal Trauma Group. Unfallchirurg, 123, 269-279.  
  35. Wenzel C., Schilde S., Plontke SK., Rahne T. (2020). Changes in Bone Conduction Implant Geometry Improve the Bone Fit in Mastoids of Children and Young Adults. Otol Neurotol, 41, 1406-1412.
  36. Zipfel N., Dießel L., Delank KS., Keyßer G., Schäfer C. (2020). Slowly progressive joint destruction in an older man as expression of hydroxyapatite disease. Case report and literature review. Z Rheumatol, 79, 195-199. 

1.   Gutteck N., Zeh A, Wohlrab, Delank KS (2019). Comparative results of percutaneous calcaneal osteotomy in correction of hindfoot deformities. Foot Ankle Int, 40, 276-281.

2.   Gutteck N., Schilde S., Delank KS (2019). Pain on the plantar surface of the foot. Dtsch Ärztebl Int, 116, 83-88.

3.   Kurz E., Herbsleb M., Gabriel HHW., Hilberg T. (2019). Posturographic and ankle muscle activiation characteristics in patients with haemophilia. Haemophilia, 25, 136-143. 

4.   Kurz E., Schmidtlein O., Keller M. (2019). Clarity in applying and reporting on functional tests in therapeutic settings. Phys Ther Sport, 36, 5-6.   

5.   Reinhardt L., Heilmann F., Teicher M., Lauenroth A., Delank KS., Schwesig R., Wollny R., Kurz E. (2019). Comparison of posturographic outcomes between two different devices. J Biomech, 86, 218-224.

6.   Hermassi S., Wollny R., Schwesig R., Shephard RJ., Chelly MS. (2019). Effects of in-season circuit training on physical abilities in male handball players. J Strength Cond Res, 33, 944-957.

7.   Hermassi S., Schwesig R., Aloui G., Shephard RJ., Chelly MS. (2019). Effects of short-term in-season weightlifting training on the muscle strength, peak power, sprint performance, and ball-throwing velocity of male handball players. J Strength Cond Res, 33, 3309-3321.

8.   Richter M., Maurus B., Egan Moog M., Rauscher C., Regenspurger K., Delank KS. (2019). Die deutsche Version des Neurophysiology of Pain Questionnaire. Übersetzung, transkulturelle Adaptation, Reliabilität und Validität. Schmerz, 33, 244-252. 

9.   Delank KS., Planert M. (2019). Spinal trauma in patients with rheumatoid diseases. Akt Rheumatol, 44, 30-38. 

10. Hermassi S., Chelly MS., Wagner H., Fieseler G., Schulze S., Delank KS., Shephard RJ., Schwesig R. (2019). Relationships between maximal strength of lower limb, anthropometric characteristics and fundamental explosive performance in handball. Sportverletz Sportschaden, 33, 96-103.

11. Hermassi S., Delank KS., Fieseler G., Bartels T., Chelly MS., Khalifa R., Laudner K., Schulze S., Schwesig R. (2019). Relationships between olympic weightlifting exercises, peak power of the upper and lower limb, muscle volume, and throwing ball velocity in elite male handball players. Sportverl Sportschaden, 33, 104-112.

12. Aloui G., Hermassi S., Hammami M., Gaamouri N., Bouhafs EG., Comfort P., Shephard RJ., Schwesig R., Chelly MS. (2019). Effects of an 8-week in-season upper limb elastic band training programme on the peak power, strength, and throwing velocity of junior handball players. Sportverletz Sportschaden, 33, 133-141.

13. Bartels T., Brehme K., Pyschik M., Pollak R., Schaffrath N., Schulze S., Delank KS., Laudner KG. Schwesig R. (2019). Postural stability and regulation before and after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - A two years longitudinal study. Phys Pher Sport, 38, 49-58.

14. Emmer A., Abobarin-Adeagbo A., Posa A., Jordan B., Delank KS., Staege MS., Surov A., Zierz S., Kornhuber M. (2019). Myositis in Lewis rats induced by the super-antigen Staphylococcal enterotoxin A. Mol Biol Rep, 46, 4085-4094.

15. Lauenroth A., Reinhardt L., Schulze S., Laudner KG., Delank KS., Schwesig R. (2019). Does low back pain affect the reliability of postural regulation? Somatosens Mot Res, 36, 116-121.

16. Reinhardt L., Schwesig R., Lauenroth A., Schulze S., Kurz E. (2019). Enhanced sprint performance analysis in soccer: New insights from a GPS-based tracking system. PLoS One. 14(5):e0217782 

17. Hermassi S., Laudner KG., Schwesig R. (2019). Playing level and position differences in body characteristics and physical fitness performance among male team handball players. Front Bioeng Biotechnol., 7, 149. 

18. Spiegl UJA., Schnake KJ., Osterhoff G., Scheyerer MJ., Ullrich B., Bula P., Siekmann H. (2019). Imaging of Sacral Stress and Insufficiency Fractures. Z Orthop Unfall, 157, 144-153.

19. Hermassi S., Ghaith A., Schwesig R., Shephard RJ., Chelly MS. (2019). Effects of short-term resistance training and tapering on maximal strength, peak power, throwing ball velocity, and sprint performance in handball players. PLoS One. 14(7):e0214827 

20. Schwesig R., Schulze S., Reinhardt L., Laudner KG., Hermassi S. (2019). Differences in player position running velocity at lactate thresholds among male professional German soccer players. Front Physiol., 10, 886.

21. Hermassi S., Haddad M., Bouhafs EG., Laudner KG, Schwesig R. (2019). Comparison of a combined strength and handball-specific training vs. isolated strength training in handball players studying physical education. Sportverletz Sportschaden, 33, 149-159

22. Spiegl UJA., Schnake KJ., Osterhoff G., Scheyerer MJ., Ullrich B., Bula P., Siekmann H. (2019). Imaging of Sacral Stress and Insufficiency Fractures. Z Orthop Unfall, 157, 144-153.

23. Hermassi S., Sellami M., El Ghali B., Schwesig R., De Giorgio A. (2019). Effect of verbal instruction on motor learning ability of anaerobic and explosive exercises in physical education university students. Front Psychol, 10, 2097.

24. Hermassi S., Chelly MS., Bragazzi NL., Shephard RJ., Schwesig R. (2019). In-Season weightlifting training exercise in healthy male handball players: effects on body composition, muscle volume, maximal strength, and ball-throwing velocity. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16, 4520.

25. Delank KS., Kayser R. (2019). Lumbale Instabilität. Manuelle Medizin, 57, 389-390.

26. Burgdorff AM., Flöther L., Wohlrab D. (2019). Multiple asystole events in a patient undergoing total knee arthroplasty - a case report. BMC Anesthesiol, 19, 105.

27. Hermassi S., Delank KS., Fieseler G., Bartels T., Chelly MS., Khalifa R., Laudner KG., Schulze S., Schwesig R. (2019). Relationships Between Olympic Weightlifting Exercises, Peak Power of the Upper and Lower Limb, Muscle Volume and Throwing Ball Velocity in Elite Male Handball Players. Sportverletz Sportschaden, 33, 104-112.

28. Osterhoff G., Scheyerer MJ., Spiegl UJ., Schnake KJ., Siekmann H., Arbeitsgruppe Osteoporotische Frakturen der Sektion Wirbelsäule der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie udn Unfallchirurgie (2019). Quantification of treatment success for geriatric sacral fractures. Unfallchirurg, 122, 293-298. 

29. Schilde S., Plontke S., Seiwerth I., Kösling S. (2019). Abnormal mastoid pneumatization. HNO, 67, 876-880

30. Plontke S.K., Kösling S., Schilde S., Wittlinger J., Kisser U. (2019). The infracochlear approach for diagnostic petrous apicotomy. HNO, 67,  791-795.

31. Gutteck N., Haase K., Kielstein H., Delank KS, Arnold C. (2019). Biomechanical results of percutaneous cacaneal osteotomy using two different osteotomy designs. Foot Ankle Surg26, 551-555.

32. Gutteck N., Schilde S., Reichel M., Holtz A., Sahmel O., Hinz P., Kielstein H., Lange J., Delank KS, Martin H. (2019). Posterolateral plate fixation with Talarlock® is more stable than screw fixation in ankle athrodesis in a biomechanical cadaver study. Foot Ankle Surg, 26, 328-333.

  1. Arlt S., Noser H., Wienke A., Radetzki F., Hofmann G.O., Mendel T. (2018). Secure corridor for infraacetabular screws in acetabular fracture fixation-a 3-D radiomorphometric analysis of 124 pelvic CT datasets. J Orthopaedic Surg. Res., 13, 119
  2. Schwesig R., Hermassi S., Hoffmeyer B., Irlenbusch L., Fieseler G., Noack F.,  Delank KS., Gabett TJ., Chelly MS. (2018). Relationships between the handball-specific complex-test and intermittent field tests performance in elite professional handball players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness58, 8-16.  
  3. Hermassi S., Ingebrigtsen J., Schwesig R., Fieseler G., Delank KS., Chamari K., Shephardt RJ., Chelly MS. (2018). Effects of in-season short-term aerobic and high-intensity interval training program on repeated sprint ability and jump performance in handball players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 58, 50-56.
  4. Bartels T., Brehme K., Pyschik M., Schulze S., Delank KS., Fieseler G., Laudner K., Hermassi S., Schwesig R. (2018). Pre- and postoperative postural regulation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. J Exerc Rehabil, 14, 143-151.
  5. Schwesig R., Hermassi S., Lauenroth A., Laudner K., Koke A., Bartels T., Delank KS., Schulze S. (2018). Validity of a basketball specific complex test in female professional players. Sportverletz Sportschaden, 32, 125-133.
  6. Delank KS., Baghdadi J. (2018). Chirurgische Therapie bei Knochenmetastasen. Journal Onkologie, 4, 1-6.
  7. Hermassi S., Chelly MS., Wollny R., Hoffmeyer B., Fieseler G., Schulze S., Irlenbusch L., Delank KS., Shephard RJ., Bartels T., Schwesig R. (2018). Relationship between the handball-specific complex-test, nonspecific field tests and the match performance score in elite professional handball players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 58, 778-784.
  8. Seiwerth I., Johnen J., Rahne T., Schwesig R., Lauenroth A., Hullar TE., Plontke SK. (2018). Influence of hearing on vestibulospinal control in healthy subjects. HNO, 66, 590-597.
  9. Schwesig R., Lauenroth A., Schulze S., Laudner KG., Bartels S., Delank KS., Reinhardt L., Kurz E., Hermassi S. (2018). Reliability of an ice hockey-specific complex test. Sportverl Sportschaden, 32, 196-203.
  10. Regenspruger K., Delank KS. (2018). Konservative Therapiemöglichkeiten bei Osteoporose und osteoporosebedingten Gestaltveränderungen. Die Wirbelsäule, 2, 195-202.
  11. Gutteck N. Martin H., Hanke T., Matthies JB., Heilmann A., Kielstein H., Gradl G., Delank KS, Wohlrab D. (2018). Posterolateral plate fixation with Talarlock® is more stable than screw fixation in ankle athrodesis in a biomechanical cadaver study. Foot Ankle Surg, 24, 208-212.
  12. Hainc Scheller C., Keller M., Kurz E. (2018). Risk screening in handball: Which functional tests are useful? Sportverl Sportschaden, 32, 187-195.
  13. Spiegl UJ., Fischer K., Schmidt J., Schnoor J., Delank KS., Josten C., Schulte T., Heyde CE. (2018). Konservative Behandlung traumatischer Brust- und Lendenwirbelkörperfrakturen. Dtsch Ärztebl Int, 115, 697-704.
  14. Hermassi S., Schwesig R., Wollny R., Fieseler G., van den Tillaar R., Fernandez-Fernandez J., Shephard RJ., Chelly MS. (2018). Shuttle versus straight repeated-sprint ability tests and their relationship to anthropometrics and explosive muscular performance of lower limb in elite handball players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 58, 1625-1634.
  15. Gutteck N., Savov P., Panian M., Wohlrab D., Zeh A., Delank KS. (2018). Preliminary results of plantar plate for Lapidus arthrodesis. Foot Ankle Surg, 24, 383-388.
  16. Haversath M., Klebingat S., die VITAS-Gruppe, Jäger M. (2018). Abriebanalyse mit virtuellen CAD-basierten Röntgenaufnahmen in der Endoprothetik. Orthopäde, 47, 811-819.
  17. Siekmann H., Becherer L., Neef R., Kunath T., Radetzki F. (2018). "Iliosacral bridging" - A new alternative minimal invasive fixation of unstable pelvic ring fractures. Arch Surg Clin Res, 2, 39-46.
  18. Schimpf R., Siekmann H., Bauer C., Radetzki F. (2018). Atypical distal tibial shaft fractures in a patient with bilateral TKA and antiresorptive treatment. ORTHOPADE, 47, 688-691.
  1. Schwesig R., Hollstein L., Plontke SK., Delank KS., Fieseler G., Rahne T. (2017). Comparison of intraobserver single-task reliabilities of the Interactive Balance System (IBS) and Vertiguard in asymptomatic subjects. Somatos Mot Res, 34, 9-14. 
  2. Fieseler G., Hermassi S., Hoffmeyer B., Schulze S., Irlenbusch L., Bartels T., Delank KS., Laudner K., Schwesig R. (2017). Differences in anthropometric characteristics in  relation to throwing velocity and competitive level in professional male team handball: a tool of talent profiling. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 57, 985-992.
  3. Gerlach A., Tomuschat C., Finke R., Staege MS., Brütting C., Brandt J., Jordan B., Schwesig R., Rosemeier A., Delank KS., Kornhuber ME., Emmer A. (2017). Experimental arthritis in the rat induced by the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA). Scand J Immunol, 85, 191-196.
  4. Schulz M., Schwesig R., Siekmann H., Esmer E., Irlenbusch L. (2017). Reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament after lower-leg amputation. Unfallchirurg, 120, 611-615.
  5. Schwesig R., Hermassi S.,  Edelmann S., Thorhauer U., Schulze S., Fieseler G., Delank KS., Shephardt RJ., Chelly MS. (2017). Relationship between ice hockey-specific complex test and maximal strength, aerobic capacity and postural regulation in professional players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 57, 1415-1423.
  6. Hermassi S. Chelly MS., Fieseler G., Bartels T., Schulze S., Delank KS., Shephardt RJ., Schwesig R. (2017). Effects of in-season explosive strength training on maximal leg strength, jumping, sprinting, and intermittent aerobic performance in male handball athletes. Sportverl Sportschaden31, 167-173.
  7. Schulze S., Schwesig R., Edel M., Fieseler G., Delank KS., Hermassi S., Laudner KG. (2017). Treadmill based reference running data for healthy subjects is dependent on speed and morphological parameters. Hum Mov Sci, 55, 269-275.
  8. Lauenroth A., Schulze S., Ioannidis A., Simm A., Schwesig R. (2017). Effect of an age simulation suit on younger adults gait performance compared to older adults normal gait. Res Gerontol Nurs, 10, 227-233.
  9. Esmer E., Derst P., Lefering R., Schulz M., Siekmann H., Delank KS.; das Trauma-Register DGU® (2017).  Preshospital assessment of injury type and severity in severely injured patients by emergency physicans: An analysis of the TraumaRegister DGU®. Unfallchirurg120, 409-416.
  10. Jasinski-Bergner S., Radetzki AL., Jahn J., Wohlrab D., Kielstein H. (2017). Impact of the body mass index on perioperative immunilogical disturbances with hip and knee arthroplasty. J Orthop Surg Res, 12, 58.
  11. Schwesig R., Hermassi S., Fieseler G., Irlenbusch L., Noack F., Delank KS., Shephard RJ., Chelly MS (2017). Anthropometric and physical performance  characteristics of professional handball players: influence of playing position. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 57, 1471-1478.
  12. Höch A., Schimpf R., Hammer N., Schleifenbaum S., Werner M., Josten C., Böhme J. (2017). Biomechanical analysis of stiffness and fracture displacement after using PMMA-augmented sacroiliac screw fixation for sacrum fractures. Biomed Tech (Berlin), 62, 421-428.
  13. Hermassi S., Chelly MS., Fieseler G., Bartels T., Schulze S., Delank KS, Shephard RJ, Schwesig R. (2017). Short-term effects of combined high-intensity strength and sprint interval training on anthropometric characteristics and physical performance of elite team handball players. Sportverletz Sportschad, 31, 231-239.
  14. Fieseler G., Laudner KG., Irlenbusch L., Meyer H., Schulze S., Delank KS., Hermassi S., Bartels T., Schwesig R. (2017). Inter- and intrarater reliability of goniometry and hand held dynamometry for patients with subacromial impingement syndrome. J Exerc Rehabil, 13, 704-710.
  15. Steinmetz A., Delank KS. (2017). Conservative Treatment of Degenerative Lumbar Spine Diseases Part I – Pathogenesis, Clinical Signs And Diagnosis. Phys Med Rehab Kuror, 27, 211-217.
  16. Esmer E., Esmer E., Derst P., Schulz M., Siekmann H., Delank KS., das TraumaRegister DGU (2017). Influence of external pelvic stabilization on 
    hemodynamically unstable pelvic fractures. Unfallchirurg, 120, 312-319.
  1. Rahne T., Schilde S., Seiwerth I., Radetzki F., Stoevesandt D., Plontke SK. (2016). Mastoid Dimensions in Children and Young Adults: Consequences for the Geometry of Transcutaneous Bone-Conduction Implants. Otol Neurotol, 37, 57-61.
  2. Schwesig R., Miserius M., Hermassi S., Delank KS., Noack F., Fieseler G. (2016). How valid is the performance diagnostic in Soccer? Sportverl 
    30, 26-30.
  3. Geiss A., Sobottke R., Delank KS., Eysel P. (2016). Plasmacytoid dendritic cells and memory T cells infiltrate true sequestrations stronger than subligamentous sequestrations: evidence from flow cytometric analysis of disc infiltrates. Eur Spine J, 25, 1417-1424.
  4. Schwesig R., Koke A., Fischer D., Fieseler G., Jungermann P., Delank KS., Hermassi S. (2016). Validity and reliability of the new Handball-Specific Complex Test. J Strength Cond Res., 30, 476-486. 
  5. Schwesig R., Hermassi S., Wagner H., Fischer D., Fieseler G., Molitor T., Delank KS. (2016). Relationship between range of motion and isometric strength on elbow and shoulder joints and ball velocity in woman team-handball players. J Strength Cond Res30, 3428-3435.
  6. Bartels T., Pröger S., Brehme K., Pyschik M., Delank KS., Schulze S., Schwesig R., Fieseler G. (2016). The SpeedCourt system in rehabilitation after reconstruction surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 136, 957-966.
  7. Lauenroth A., Ioannidis AE., Teichmann B. (2016). Influence of combined physical and cognitive training on cognition: a systematic review. BMC Geriatr16, 141.
  8. Bartels T., Pröger S., Meyer D., Rabe J., Brehme K., Pyschik M., Delank KS., Fieseler G., Schulze S., Schwesig R. (2016). Fast response training in youth soccer players. Sportverl Sportschaden30, 143-148.
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  1. Gutteck N.,Wohlrab D., Zeh A., Radetzki F., Delank KS., Lebek S. (2015). Immediate fullweightbearing after tarsometatarsal arthrodesis for hallux valgus correction--Does it increase the complication rate? Foot Ankle Surg, 21, 198-201.
  2. Mendel T., Radetzki F., Schwan S., Hofmann GO., Goehre F. (2015). The influence of injecting an epidural contrast agent into the sacral canal on the fluoroscopic visibility of bony landmarks for sacroiliac screw fixation: a feasibility study. J Neurosurg Spine, 22, 199-204.
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  4. Jahn J., Spielau M., Brandsch C., Stangl GI., Delank KS., Bähr I., Berreis T., Wrann CD., Kielstein H. (2015). Decreased NK cell functions in obesity can be reactivated by fat mass reduction. Obesity (Silver Spring), 23, 2233-2241.
  5. Fieseler G., Molitor T., Irlenbusch L., Delank KS., Laudner KG., Hermassi S.,  Schwesig R. (2015). Intrarater reliability of goniometry and hand-held dynamometry for shoulder and elbow examinations in female team handball athletes and asymptomatic volunteers. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 135, 1719-1726.
  6. Fieseler G., Jungermann P., Koke A., Irlenbusch L., Delank KS., Schwesig R. (2015). Glenohumeral range of motion (ROM) and isometric strength of professional team handball athletes, part III: changes over the playing season. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 135, 1691-1700.
  7. Freche S., Juch F., Nusselt T., Delank KS., Hagel A. (2015). Arthroscopic treatment of bilateral snapping scapula syndrome: a case report and review of the literature. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 49, 91-96.
  8. Fieseler G., Jungermann P., Koke A., Irlenbusch L., Delank KS., Schwesig R. (2015). Range of motion (ROM) and isometric strength on shoulder joints of team handball sport athletes during playing season. Part II: Changes after mid-season. J Shoulder Elbow Surg, 24, 391-398.
  9. Fieseler G., Jungermann P., Schwesig R. (2015). Extension deficit due to Cyclops tumor after ACL repair. Arthroskopie, 28, 53-56.
  10. Fieseler G., Jungermann P., Koke A., Delank KS., Schwesig R. (2015). Range of motion (ROM) and isometric strength of a throwing shoulder and their changes under training and playing season in handball sport athletes part I: changes under pre-seasonal training. Sport Orthop. Traumatol, 31, 54-62.
  11. Brinkmann V., Radetzki F., Delank KS., Wohlrab D., Zeh A. (2015). A prospective randomized radiographic and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometric study of migration and bone remodeling after implantation of two modern short-stemmed femoral prostheses. J Orthop Traumatol, 16, 237-243.
  12. Radetzki F., Saul B., Hagel A., Mendel T., Döring T., Delank KS., Wohlrab D., Stoevesandt D. (2015). Three-dimensional virtual simulation and evaluation of the femoroacetabular based on "black bone" MRA. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 135, 667-671.
  13. Steinmetz A., Scheffer I., Esmer E.,  Delank KS., Peroz I. (2015). Frequency, severity and predictors of playing-related musculoskeletal pain in professional orchestral musicians in Germany. Clin Rheumatol, 34, 965-973.
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  2. Schicht M., Ernst J., Nielitz A., Fester L., Tsokos M., Guddat SS., Bräuer L., Bechmann J., Delank KS., Wohlrab D., Paulsen F., Claassen H. (2014). Articular cartilage chondrocytes express aromatase and use enzymes involved in estrogen metabolism. Arthritis Res Ther11, R93.
  3. Siewe J., Bredow J., Oppermann J., Koy T., Delank KS., Knoell P., Eysel P., Sobottke R., Zarghooni K., Röllinghoff M. (2014). Evaluation of efficacy of a new hybrid fusion device: a randomized, two-centre controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 15, 294.
  4. Hagel A., Siekmann H., Delank KS. (2014). Periprothetische Femurfraktur - eine interdisziplinäre Herausforderung. Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 111, 658-664.
  5. Radetzki F., Wohlrab D., Goehre F., Noser H., Delank KS., Mendel T. (2014). Anatomical conditions of the posterior pelvic ring regarding bisegmental transverse sacroiliac screw fixation: a 3D morphometric study of 125 pelvic CT datasets. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 134, 115-1120.
  6. Schwesig R., Koke A., Jungermann P., Fischer D., Noack F., Becker S., Fieseler G., Delank KS. (2014). Intraobserver Reliability of the Handball-Specific Complex Test (HBKT). Sportverl Sportschad, 28, 146-154.
  7. Fieseler G., Jungermann P., Schwesig R. (2014). Compartment syndrome at the femur after contusion trauma in team handball sport. Sport Orthop. Traumatol, 30, 274-279.
  8. Plontke SK., Radetzki F., Seiwerth I., Herzog M., Brandt S., Delank KS., Rahne T. (2014). Individual Computer-Assissted 3D Planning for Surgical Placement of a New Bone Conduction Hearing Device. Otol Neurotol, 35, 1251-1257.
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  12. Steinmetz A, Zeh A, Delank KS, Peroz I (2014). Symptoms of craniomandibular dysfunction in professional orchestra musicians. Occup Med (Lond), 64, 17-22.
  13. Jäger M, van Wasen A, Warwas S, Landgraeber S, Haversath M, Vitas Group (Halle:  Delank, Freche) (2014). A multicenter approach evaluating the impact of vitamin e-blended polyethylene in cementless total hip replacement. Orthop Rev (Pavia), 6, 5285.
  1. Mendel T., Noser H., Kuervers J., Goehre F., Hofmann GO., Radetzki F. (2013). The influence of sacral morphology on the existence of secure S1 and S2 transverse bone corridors for iliosacroiliac screw fixation. Injury, 44, 1773-1779.
  2. Gutteck N., Panian M., Wohlrab D., Radetzki F., Delank KS., Zeh A. (2013). Pedobarography results of Girdlestone-Taylor tendon transfer in flexible small toe deformity. Orthopäde, 42, 1062-1066.
  3. Gutteck N., Wohlrab D.,  Zeh A., Radetzki F., Delank KS., Lebek S. (2013). Comparative study of Lapidus bunionectomy using different osteosynthesis methods. Foot & Ankle Surg, 19, 218-221.
  4. Gutteck N.,  Lebek S., Zeh A., Wohlrab D., Röllinghoff M., Delank KS. (2013). Subtalare Distraktionsarthrodese mit allogenem Knochenspan. Z Fuß & Sprunggelenk, 137-142.
  5. Schwesig R., Fischer D., Kluttig A. (2013). Are there changes in postural regulation across the life span? Somatosens Mot Res, 30, 167-174.
  6. Schwesig R., Hartmann M., Leuchte S., Fischer D., Kuß O. (2013). Validity of complex soccer-specific field test and a non-specific sprint test - Assessments for test and match performance. Sportverl Sportschad, 27, 75-84.
  7. Schwesig R., Fischer D., Becker S., Leuchte S. (2013). Can falls be predicted with gait analytical and posturographic measurement systems? A prospective follow-up study in a nursing home population. Clin Rehabil, 27, 183-190.
  8. Hungenbach S., Delank KS., Dietlein M., Eysel P., Drzezga A., Schmidt MC. (2013). 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake pattern in patients with suspected spondylodiscitis. Nucl Med Commun, 34, 1068-1074.
  9. Wegmann K., Gundermann S., Siewe J., Eysel P., Delank KS., Sobottke R. (2013). Correlation of reduction and clinical outcome in patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 133, 1639-1644.
  10. Alfieri A., Gazzeri R., Prell J., Röllinghoff M. (2013). The current management of lumbar spondylolisthesis. J Neurosurg Sci, 57, 103-113. 
  11. Gutteck N., Lebek S., Wohlrab D, Zeh A, Delank KS (2013). Treatment of aseptic loosened MTPI prosthesis by one-stage revision with ToeFit Plus prosthesis. Arch Orthop Traum Surg, 133, 11-14. 
  12. Gutteck N., Wohlrab D., Radetzki F., Zeh A., Röllinghoff M., Delank KS., Lebek S. (2013). Is it feasible to rely on intraoperative X ray in correcting hallux valgus? Arch Orthop Traum Surg, 133, 753-755. 
  13. Ivo R., Nicklas A., Dargel J, Sobottke R., Delank KS., Eysel P., Weber B. (2013). Brain structural and psychometric alterations in chronic low back pain. Eur Spine J, 22, 1958-1964. 
  14. Radetzki F., Mendel T., Noser H., Stoevesandt D., Röllinghoff M., Gutteck N., Delank KS., Wohlrab D. (2013). Potentialities and limitations of a database constructing three-dimensional virtual bone models. Surg Radiol Anat, 35, 963-968. 
  15. Röllinghoff M., Hagel A., Siewe J., Gutteck N., Delank KS., Steinmetz A., Zarghooni K. (2013). Is Height Restoration Possible with a Comparatively Smaller Amount of Cement in Radiofrequency Kyphoplasty using a Monopedicle Approach?. Z Orthop Unfallchir, 151, 156-162. 
  16. Steinmetz A., Jull GA. (2013). Sensory and sensorimotor features in violinists/violists with neck pain. Ach Phys Med Rehab, 94, 2523-2528. 
  17. Wohlrab J., Wohlrab D., Neubert RHH. (2013). Comparison of noncross-linked and cross-linked hyaluronic acid with regard to efficacy of the proliferative activity of cutaneous fibroblasts and keratinocytes in vitro. J Cosmet Dermatol, 12, 36-40. 
  18. Zeh A., Pankow F., Röllinghoff M., Delank S., Wohlrab D. (2013). A prospective dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry study of bone remodeling after implantation of the Nanos® short-stemmed prosthesis. Acta Orthop Belg, 79, 174-180.
  19. Freche S., Esmer E., Delank KS., Bürger H., Juch F., Wohlrab D. (2013). Arthropathia ochronotica: a rare cause of early joint degeneration. Dtsch Med Wochenschr, 138, 1509–1512.
  20. Freche S., Naumann S., Juch F., Delank KS., Pap G. (2013). Conservative treatment of a complex humeral shaft and head fracture. Clinical Geriatrics, 21, (Online-Paper).
  21. Esmer E., Steinmetz A., Zeh A., Stachow M., Siekmann H., Lefering R., Brinkmann V., Schütte V., Freche S., Delank KS. (2013). Intrakranielle Blutung bei Polytrauma und leichtem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma. Notfall Rettungsmed, 16, 532-538.
  22. Gutteck N., Lebek S., Wohlrab D., Delank KS., Zeh A. (2013). Calcaneocuboid distraction arthrodesis with allogenic bone grafting for correction of pes planovalgus. Acta Orthop Belg, 79, 559-564.
  23. Radetzki F., Wienke A., Mendel T., Gutteck N., Delank KS., Wohlrab D. (2013). High flex total knee arthroplasty - a prospective, randomized study with results after 10 years. Acta Orthop Belg, 79, 536-540.
  24. Gutteck N., Lebek S., Zeh A., Gradl G., Delank KS., Wohlrab D. (2013). Ankle arthrodesis with an posterolateral approach using a polyaxial angle stable Talarlock plate. Oper Orthop Traumatol, 25, 615-623.
  25. Röllinghoff M., Zarghooni K., Zeh A., Wohlrab D., Delank KS. (2013). Is there a stable vertebral height restoration with the new radiofrequency kyphoplasty? A clinical and radiological study. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol, 23, 507-513.
  26. Mendel T., Radetzki F., Wohrab D., Stock K., Hofmann GO., Noser H. (2013). CT-based 3-D-visualisation of secure bone corridors and optimal trajectories for sacroiliac screws. Injury, 44, 957-963.
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  2. Gutteck N., Lebek S., Radetzki F., Wohlrab D., Delank KS. (2012). Correction arthrodesis of the proximal interphalangeal joint with wire cerclage for rigid small toe deformities: a prospective study. Orthopäde, 41, 984-988.
  3. Kurth AA., Bayer-Helms H., Bowe C., Hartwig E., Hohn W., Jerosch J., Jollenbeck B., Maestretti G., Vogler W., Röllinghoff M. (2012). Radiofrequency Kypholastie ? a novel vetebral augmentation system. A prospective, multi-center observational study. Osteologie, 21, 174-179.
  4. Mendel T., Wohlrab D., Radetzki F., Hofmann GO. (2012). The smart screw: a fancy skill for sacroiliac screw insertion. J Trauma Acute Care Surg, 72, 1089-1092.
  5. Neumann C., Hering AH., Meller B., Enzian M., Wohlrab D., Bresch K., Delank KS., Neumann G., Bahre M. (2012). Does the additional Application of SPECT/CT impove the clinical value of Antigranulocyte-Antibody Scintigraphy in the therapeutic management of septic loosening of endoprothesis? European Journal of Nuclear Medicine an Molecular Imaging, 39, 164-164.
  6. Neumann C., Hering AH., Meller B., Enzian M., Wohlrab D., Bresch K., Delank K., Neumann G., Bahre M. (2012). Does the additional Application of SPECT/CT improve the clinical Value of Antigranulocyte-Antibody Scinitigraphy in the therapeutic management of septic loosening of endoprothesis? European Journal of Nuclear Medicine an Moleular Imaging, 39, 164-164.
  7. Niggemann P., Kuchta J., Delank KS. (2012). Letters. Spine, 37, 629.
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  9. Niggemann P., Kuchta J., Grosskurth D., Beyer HK., Hoeffer J., Delank KS. (2012). Spondylolysis and isthmic spondylolisthesis: impact of vertebral hypoplasia on the use of the Meyerding classification. Brit J Radiol, 85, 358-362.
  10. Richter K., Wohlrab D., Schwesig R., Leuchte S. (2012). Influence of the Minimal Invasive Approach after Total Hip Replacement to the activation patterns of selected muscles. Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortmedizin, 22, 64-71.
  11. Röllinghoff M., Zarghooni K., Hackenberg L., Zeh A., Radetzki F., Delank KS. (2012). Quality of life and radiological outcome after cervical cage fusion and cervical disc arthroplasty. Acta Orthop Belg, 78, 369-375.
  12. Sobottke R., Aghayev E., Röder C., Eysel P., Delank SK., Zweig T. (2012). Predictors of surgical, general and follow-up complications in lumbar spinal stenosis relative to patient age as emerged from the Spine Tango Registry. Eur Spine J, 21, 411-417.
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  14. Wohlrab D., Radetzki F., Noser H., Mendel T. (2012). Cup positioning in total hip arthoplasty: spatial alignment of the acetabular entry plane. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 132, 1-7.
  15. Wohlrab J., Wohlrab D., Neubert RHH. (2012). Comparison of uncrosslinked, stabilized and cross-linked Hyaluronic acid relative to the activity on the proliferative activityof Fibroblasts and Keratinocytes in vitro. Journal der deutschen dermatologischen Gesellschaft, 10, E5-E5.
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    17. Zander T., Hofmann A., Staratschek-Jox A., Classen S., Debey-Pascher S., Maisel D., Ansén S., Hahn M., Beyer M., Thomas RK., Gathof B., Mauch C., Delank KS., Engel-Riedel W., Wichmann HE., Stoelben E., Schultze JL., Wolf J. (2011). Blood-based gene expression signatures in non-small cell lung cancer. Clin Cancer Res, 17, 3360-7.
    18. Zeh A., Radetzki F., Diers V., Bach D., Röllinghoff M., Delank KS. (2011). Is there an increased stem migration or compromised osteointegration of the Mayo short-stemmed prosthesis following cerclage wiring of an intrasurgical periprosthetic fracture? Arch Orthop Trauma Su, 131, 1717-22.
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    3. Delank KS., Gercek E., Kuhn S., Hartmann F., Hely H., Röllinghoff M., Rothschild MA., Stützer H., Sobottke R., Eysel P. (2010). How does spinal canal decompression and dorsal stabilization affect segmental mobility? A biomechanical study. Arch Orthop Trauma Su, 130, 285-92.
    4. Delank KS., Röllinghoff M., Eysel-Gosepath K., Sobottke R., Eysel P. (2010) Degeneration and osteoporosis of the spine. Is there a modified procedure?. Orthopäde, 39, 425-31.
    5. Gutteck N., Mendel T., Held A., Wohlrab D. (2010). Cervical spine osteoblastoma in children: Selective diagnostics as the basis for effective surgical management. Orthopäde, 39, 92-6.
    6. Röllinghoff M., Schlüter-Brust K., Groos D., Sobottke R., Michael JWP., Eysel P., Delank KS. (2010). Mid-range outcomes in 64 consecutive cases of multilevel fusion for degenerative diseases of the lumbar spine. Orthop Rev (Pavia), 2: e3.
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