Dr. Gertrud Ayerle
Vocational training & certificates
- 2009: Conferring of a doctorate, Doctor rerum medicarum (Doctor of Medical Sciences)
- 1994: Master of Science in Nursing
- 1986: Certificate in "Tropical Community Health and Medicine”
- 1985: Nursing state examination
- 1980: Midwives state examination
Professional career
- since 2006: Scientific staff member at the Institute of Health and Nursing Science, Halle
- 2006-2007: Scientific staff member at the Hannover Medical School
- 2003-2004: Student assistant at the Institute of Health and Nursing Science, Halle
- 1997-2003: Teacher of Midwifery in Koblenz
- 1994-1996: Clinical associate of the "Catholic University of America" in Washington, DC
- 1989-1990: Shift supervisor and midwife at the maternity hospital "Jamaa Maternity" in Nairobi, Kenya
- 1986-1990: Head nurse of the community based health project of the Catholic Church in the slum area "Soweto" in Nairobi, Kenya
Research focus
- Midwifery science
- Midwife-relevant healthcare (care of women and families by midwives)
- Subjective well-being during pregnancy (doctoral thesis)
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of (family) midwife care
- Questionnaire construction and validation (doctoral thesis)
- Health promotion and prevention
Research projects
- BE-UP: Effects of the birthing room environment on vaginal births and client-centred outcomes in women at term planning a vaginal birth: a multicentre RCT - pdf (study protocol)
Ayerle G, Schäfers R, Mattern E, Striebich S, Haastert B, Vomhof M, Icks A, Ronniger Y, Seliger G. Effects of the birthing room environment on vaginal births and client-centred outcomes for women at term planning a vaginal birth: BE-UP, a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Trials 2018; 19:641. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-018-2979-7
- Midwife-led units: Evaluation of midwife-led units in comparison to obstetrician-led units at two hospitals in Halle (Saale)
- Preferences and deficits in midwifery care in Germany from the perspective of users and midwives: An interpretative-hermeneutical evaluation
- Lohmann, S., Mattern, E., Ayerle, G. M. (2018). Midwives’ perceptions of women's preferences related to midwifery care in Germany: a focus group study. Midwifery, 61, 53-62. DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2018.02.005
- Mattern E, Lohmann S, Ayerle GM. Experiences and wishes of women regarding systemic aspects of midwifery care in Germany: a qualitative study with focus groups. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2017;17(1):389. DOI:10.1186/s12884-017-1552-9; http://rdcu.be/y2Os
- Ayerle, G. M. & Mattern, E. (2017). Prioritäre Themen für die Forschung durch Hebammen: Eine Analyse von Fokusgruppen mit schwangeren Frauen, Müttern und Hebammen. Zeitschrift für Hebammenwissenschaft (Journal of Midwifery Science), 5(2): 65-73. DOI: 10.3205/zhwi000010
- Survey on the perspectives of office-based pediatricians, obstetricians and family doctors as well as free-lance midwives regarding their cooperation in local/regional networks of early preventive care - pdf
- Conception and construction of standardized records for documentation by family midwives (commissioned by the “Nationalen Zentrums Frühe Hilfen”) - pdf
- Expertise regarding the definition of objectives for the professional practice of family midwives - pdf
- Expertise regarding the content and framework of educational courses in the States of Germany offered for family midwives and similarly qualified pediatric nurses - pdf
- EarlyStart: Early prevention for infants and their families provided by qualified family midwives in Saxony-Anhalt
- Family midwives in Saxony-Anhalt: Home-visiting by qualified midwives with additional qualifications
- BE-UP: Effects of the birthing room environment on vaginal births and client-centred outcomes in women at term planning a vaginal birth: a multicentre RCT
- German Society of Midwife Science (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hebammenwissenschaft)
- German Association for Midwives (Deutscher Hebammenverband e.V.)
- Midwives Association of Saxony-Anhalt (Landeshebammenverband Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.)
- Member of the German Center for Evidence-based Nursing, Halle (Saale)
- 1994: "School of Nursing Dean's Award" (awarded by the dean of the department of nursing) of "The Catholic University of America" in Washington, DC, USA
- 1995: Admission to the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, USA
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